The Sacred Year Project

A membership community for women who long to live their most wildly sacred life through cyclical living and sacred wellness.

Welcome Beautiful Soul

Each month we curate offerings inside this sacred community that :

Connect you back to your own Sacred Feminine Wisdom

Immerse you in the Pulse of Mother Earth

Align with Your Body Wisdom

Embody your birthright of ease and sacred joy

We are so glad you are here!

A message from The Sacred Year Project Founder Katie May and Co-Creator Brit “Shay” Harder.

Hello beautiful soul!

Welcome to our sacred community! This is a safe space to explore and practice the reclamation and remembrance of what it means to live in season and cycle to yourself so you can fully honor and embody your life and bloom wildly in your own authentic way.

This is not about doing things from outside of yourself any longer because it’s what you’ve been told you need to do.

This is about cultivating a deep relationship to the sacred feminine wisdom, the wisdom of the earth, and your own body.

I am Katie, soul coach, intuitive guide, and healing facilitator and I am so glad you are here to explore and integrate what weaving the sacred back into your life means to you.

This is a community for women—mothers, caregivers, healers, lightworkers, spirited seekers, and dreamers who long for a new way of being and feel it calling deep within their bones.

It is my greatest intention and hope that with each monthly and seasonal offering you will honor the rhythms of your body with our shared practices, rituals, seasonal workshops and wellness guide plus monthly teachings from leading holistic wellness practitioners, coaches, mentors, and teachers.

This community will activate you to expand into abundance, love, and success with ease and flow everyday so you can inspire others around you to do the same.

You are here to make BIG impact in the world and it’s not about doing more, but actually doing less and honoring the energy that supports you with each cycle to step fully into your own creative, sensual, and spiritual self.

Here is what you will find inside…

What’s Included in Your Sacred Year Project Membership

Seasonal Wellness Guide

A quarterly seasonal guide released with each season (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) to tap into practices, rituals, reflection prompts, and resources for the season to support your own sacred wellness throughout each cycle and season.

Live Virtual Seasonal Ceremonies

A quarterly seasonal ceremony with the Spring (March) and Fall (September) Equinox and the Summer (June) and Winter (December) Solstice to honor the shifting energies of the season and work with the lessons of Mother Earth to support us.

Monthly Workshops and Activations

w/holistic teachers, practitioners, and coaches

Each month you will be met with a seasonally focused workshop and activation led by Katie, Brit “Shay,” or one of our amazing expert collaborators. This is a beautiful time to learn more about sacred living and actually integrate practices and resources into your own sacred living toolbox.

Monthly Sacred Creatrix Magic Hour and Sister Circle

Collaborative Community Call

Each month we will walk with you in a 60 minute live virtual community circle facilitated with love by Katie and Shay but really highlighting the circular leadership we desire to cultivate in our beautiful community. During this time, you are invited to come and receive as well as activate your own soul gifts through integration, support, and practicing with other sacred sisters. We can’t wait to welcome you in!

“Katie has such a way about her essence that's distinct, like a rare flower. The genuineness she shares with her community and clients is something the world needs more of. She instills the support needed for those she works with to hold steady to their unique path and embrace the entirety of the journey for all that is. Her mother medicine in guidance, mentorship, and friendship and sisterhood means the world to me!” -Brooke W.

“No matter what is going on in her own personal and professional life, Katie shows up with consistency, openness, and a willingness to embody the true soul guide that she is. From this energy, healing, transformation, holding and community are born.” — Shay

“Katie helps bring you back to your true self and builds community that is an instant place of ease and comfort. She brings people together from different places, cultures, and experiences and helps weave the common thread between us all so you feel seen, heard, and honored. -Jo

Honoring your wholeness starts with honoring the cycles and seasons of your life, embodying your lived experience and letting the cycles of Mother Earth guide you back to unity within.

The Sacred Year Project

Pricing starting at $33/month or $222 (save $174) for the year

The Sacred Year Project
Every month
Every year

A community for sacred women like you to remember and reclaim what it means to live in season and cycle to yourself so you can fully honor and embody your life and bloom wildly.