Welcome to the Sacred Mother


A haven for moms to remember their own sacred wisdom and be held in sisterhood to remember who they are and what they deeply desire.

heart to heart + womb to womb

We are Sacred Mother

This is a community experience co-created with you.

Led by Katie May, Soul and Sacred Feminine Embodiment Coach

Monthly Calls begin the week of April 8th 2024

Each month we will invite you on a deeper journey with our circle themes through:

-Embodied Motherhood

-Living your most wildly sacred and sensual life

-Sacred Feminine Energetics and Integration Rituals

-Motherhood as a Spiritual Practice

-The Paradox of Motherhood

-Emotional and Energetic Calibration and Activations

Dearest one, I am so honored you are here.

Let's take a sacred pause for a moment together. Close your eyes and picture this:

It's 8 PM, you’re winding down, snuggled with your little ones at bedtime. Your heart brims with gratitude for your journey in motherhood and life. Through the highs and lows, you've shown yourself and your children compassion, love, and support. You smile, knowing this unique life is yours to live sovereignly. Embracing sacred living and soulful motherhood grounds you deeply, a path you cherish.

Are you ready to feel this rooted in your life?

I've got your back, darling.

As your new mentor on embracing a deeply sacred motherhood journey, I'm thrilled to help you explore what weaving the sacred into your life truly means.

Within Sacred Mother, we're crafting a space where motherhood empowers and expands rather than confines. I believe mothers deserve reverence, honor, and nurturing— values often missing in today's culture.

Regardless of how motherhood found you, you belong here.

One shared experience among mothers is the realization that motherhood differs vastly from expectations. Navigating overwhelm, shame, guilt, fear, and disconnect can be daunting. Seeking connection and a safe space to share real thoughts and rediscover oneself is a core desire for many mothers I meet.

Through this work of my own sacred mother journey and facilitating deep portals of connection for mothers these past 4 years, I've embraced radical self-love, deep healing, soul connection, and a return to wholeness leading to the activation of my own Sacred Motherhood Blueprint.

Now, we stand on the threshold of a new journey for you.

Can you feel the stirring within?

This is your call to embrace your life fully, to claim your motherhood ministry with authenticity and authority.

It's time to infuse every aspect of your life, including your motherhood journey, with intention and cultivate an expansive capacity to hold yourself and your children through every portal you will both walk through from here.

I'm eager to embark on this journey with you!

Stay tuned as we prepare this sanctuary, ready to share cozy and intimate times together.

Sacred Blessings,


Beautiful Mama, you are here for a reason and no matter where you are on your motherhood journey, you belong here!

Elevating you as you lead your life, your family, and your community is our mission.

Through this journey together, it is my deepest desire that you feel:

  • Deeply connected to life in your body, instead of always in your head
    • Settled into your own power and sovereignty
    • Anchored into emotional freedom
    • And ultimately centered in energetic harmony in all aspects of your life

What’s Included in Your Sacred Mother Community Membership?

🌹Monthly Circle Calls
Come as you are and experience a space of safety, love, acceptance, and energetic calibration.

This space is a sanctuary to explore your own experience through the lens of the monthly theme.

A haven to witness yourself and each other in sacred sisterhood. These calls are facilitated by Founder Katie May and special guests. Circle call schedule will be determined in the next 2-3 weeks as we work to find the time that works best for the most in our sacred community.  

🌹Monthly Themes, Soul Work, and Challenges

Themes such as:
• from maiden to mother to matriarch
• tending your inner garden
• blooming wildly
• deep mother Love
Just to share a few.

We will explore our own stories within each theme every month with:
• supporting resources
• journal prompts & questions
• occasional monthly challenges to bring theses truths deeper into our body.

🌹Community Support through our Band App

Stay connected, build relationships, ask questions, find your people through the Sacred Mother Band in the BAND app.


How deeply do you desire to experience, to hold, to feel your own Sacredness in your being?

This journey of motherhood is inherently sacred, yet there are many layers that get piled on and we find ourselves lost wondering how the heck we arrived here?

The SACRED MOTHER course takes you on a journey of remembering, reconnecting and reclaiming through the Sacred Mother Blueprint given to me through my own motherhood journey.

• 10 modules taking you on a journey into the depths of who you are and back out again.
• practical support & tools, embodiment practices, wildly sensual mama activation, and eating for your cycle.
• available as a BONUS for a LIMITED TIME (through May 31st, 2024)
• valued at $777

Sacred Mother: The Course

More about your special bonus available through May 31, 2024:

Dripping with the wisdom I’ve acquired over the past 11 years of motherhood, The Sacred Mother Course is here to help support your own deepening and integration of your own Sacred Mother Blueprint—your unique codes of how you’re here to embody your own wildly sacred life.

There is no “one” prescriptive way to tell you how to live your life.

The Sacred Mother Course will help guide you to:

Root deeply into your own lived experience through holding Reverence for your own story as medicine.

Cultivate a rich Reconnection with your own body, nervous system, and emotional landscape.

Lead you back to Remembrance of your own life as the ceremony.

Live in Reclamation of your own body and soul through deep nourishment, sacred cyclical living, and sensuality.

You are Sacred Mother

Sacred Mother is you.

I am here to hold you as you allow yourself to remember, reconnect, and reclaim these most tender, loving, and powerful parts of you and allow the ordination back into your own life.

The value of the Sacred Mother Sanctuary is incredible. For those looking to deepen into this soulful motherhood journey, it is all you need to be witnessed, held, loved, and supported as you dip your toe in and test the waters of what living as a wildly sacred mother could look like for you in your own life.

This journey is not an overnight transformation and is not a magic pill or potion. It does require a devotion on your part, I won’t sugar coat that.

An investment of your time and energy are asked when you make this kind of investment in yourself and this community.

We can’t wait to welcome those who are ready to embark on this journey with us.

We can't wait to welcome you inside!

Sacred Mother Sanctuary
Every month
Every year

The Sacred Mother Sanctuary is a monthly membership supporting a new paradigm of life and motherhood where you get to live your most wildly sacred life. ***Current pricing of $11/month or $111/year only available for the first 25 mothers who join so don't wait! Pricing will increase to full price of $22/month or $222/year after the first 25 mothers join.

✓ Limited Time Access to the Sacred Mother Course
✓ Monthly Circle Calls
✓ Community Support inside our private app
✓ Monthly themes, soul work, and challenges to take you deeper

The value of the Sacred Mother Sanctuary is incredible as I shared above.

Depending on where you are in your journey and what arises for you, you may at any time have a desire to deepen into different aspects of what living as a wildly sacred mother means to you.

It is my deepest desire to meet you in these depths and expand with you. That is why I’ve also created an expansive 1:1 option for those when they are ready to move to the next level of activation, embodiment, and integration with this work.

The 1:1 Wildly Sacred Mother Mentorship will be the personalized support you need to create and actualize your very own sacred mother blueprint and continue your journey of ministry and mastery in motherhood and beyond. Through this mentorship we will walk with your own personal akashic records, embodiment rituals, breathwork activations, and energetic alignment with your highest sacred mother self as well as intensive support from Katie as your guide and mentor.

Sacred Mother Sanctuary + 1:1 Wildly Sacred Mother Mentorship
One time
For 6 months

This option opens up 6-1:1 experiences with Katie in addition to the Sacred Mother Community so you can go even deeper into cultivating your own wildly sacred life, living as a Wildly Sacred Mother

✓ Sacred Mother Sanctuary + Monthly Circle
✓ Sacred Mother Course
✓ 8 weeks of transformational 1:1 mentorship and Voxer access
✓ Five 60 minute 1:1 Sessions w/Katie
✓ 1-90 minute Wildly Sacred Mother Blueprint Session